Cleanliness needs high-washability.

but it does not mean we need much water.

Air-in flow waves with high-washability.

All water that flows from normal faucet does not reach
the surface of hands.
Bubble90 sucks air and produces
bubble in water,
and bubbles in water pop when
it hits hands.
This is why 90% water saving nozzle enabled
to increase washability.

An experiment of Escherichia coli proved that
Bubble90 keeps the same washability

as the average tap with much less water

Normal tap : 10 litre per minute output
BS4 : 1.8 litre per minute output
BS6 : 3 litre per minute output
99.9% was degermed on the hands of subject A, B, C.

Data taken from June 24th to 30th in 2015
This experiment taken place at Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science

Hand-wash experiment

according to a hand-wash manual
of mega Sushi restaurant chain.


The number of E-coli(×1,000CFU/right hand)


Sensor integrated automatic faucet
Prevent recontamination.

This classy faucets suits public space,
department stores and hotels.
The smooth form with elegance suits high-end.
For power plant, hospital, and care home.

Users’ voice


Succeeded to save 27% each month.
Succeeded to save gas bills as well!

We installed Bubble90 about a year ago using rental package. Water saving ability was remarkable, and we determined to install it. We save water at kitchen to cook meals for patients, at nurse station and in bathrooms.

We are glad that Bubble90 saves not only water, but also gas by saving the consumption of hot water. We were surprised that it was clear to see the reduction of gas bill.
Bubble90 contributes for saving energy for the entire hospital.

See installed Bubble90 at a hospital >

Our Clients

ORIX Living Corporation

Hatano hospital

Rakuyo hospital

Haradoi hospital

Feel free to call us
Our customer support team will help you.


As soon as you try, you will know the power of Bubble90. Call or email us!